MIRACLE TREE ( Moringa Oleifera ) Seed

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  • Regular price $6.00

Miracle Tree ( Moringa Oleifera ) Seeds

10 Seeds........................................$6.00
50 Seeds........................................$28.00

100 Seeds .....................................$56.00

​*** Super Food ** Entire tree is edible.  Amazing Health & Nutrient benefits

The Moringa Tree Provides:
7 x the Vitamin C in Oranges
4 x the Calcium in Milk
4 x the Vitamin A in Carrots
2 x the Protein in Milk
3 x the Potassium in Bananas
Other names used are the Malunggay, The Horseraddish tree, The Drumstick Tree and the Benzolive.

Has beautiful white showy flowers, used medicinally for coughs and colds.